Someone once said, "If you put your cat on the internet, she's no longer your cat. She's The Internet's Cat now." And I cannot believe how true that is.
Over the last four years, sharing the behind the scenes of working on jewelry has been so fun. More often than not, my sweet cat, Sushi Magoo, can be found sitting in my lap while I roll clay or sitting proudly next to a stack of packages waiting to be dropped off to the post office. She's been such a regular face on my IG stories that I now get asked for more cat content whenever there's a dry spell of cat content in a week's timeframe.
My beloved studio assistant and all around best girl, Sushi Magoo, now has her own piece of merch! Her signature side eye/catitude is beautifully captured on this acrylic pin. Despite her RBF, she is the sweetest and cuddliest cat. Always the curious one, she’s often found sitting next to me or on my lap whenever I’m making jewelry at night.
Thank you for loving her and encouraging me to share more of her and our dynamic behind the scenes. Hope you enjoy this pin and toting her around as much as I do!
Pin details:
- 1.5" acrylic pin
- black rubber backing